Application Guidance
PREP - To unlock the true potential of Kuckian's Liquid Velvet Lipstick formula, exfoliate lips to remove any dead skin and apply a little moisturizer. This will make sure the lipstick looks smooth. Red Lipsticks are easy, but lighter lipsticks require a flawless, smooth base for the best finish.

APPLY - Remove any excess moisturizer by kissing the back of your hand, then apply a thin layer of liquid lipstick over the lip and allow to set for 1-2 minutes. Don't press lips together during this time! The formula is very pigmented and a little goes a long way, so apply a single, light layer to avoid dryness or texture. After some quick practice, you'll discover the perfect thickness of product to apply in a single layer.
ADAPT & MAINTAIN - Our Liquid Velvets won't 'fill in' lip wrinkles in the same way traditional oily lipsticks will. If your lips are very textured, try leaving a little extra moisturizer on them before applying the lipstick.
Other Liquid Lipsticks dry to form a layer which can crack and break away in chunks which is not cute - our formula is different because it applies super thin and doesn't form a peel-able film.
Removal is easy with a good water-proof makeup cleanser. An organic alternative is coconut oil, which will melt the product away.